Department of Planning and Investment of Phu Tho province: Yen Lap Eco City urban housing area

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Department of Planning and Investment of Phu Tho province issued on September 22, 2021 its notice of its notice of bid invitation for project of Yen Lap Eco City urban housing area with details as follows:

Procuring agency: Department of Planning and Investment of Phu Tho province

Project name: Yen Lap Eco City urban housing area “Notice ref No 20210955890 - 00. Date of publication: 22/09/2021 14:52"

Project's investment objectives: Investing in the construction Yen Lap Eco City urban housing area with a technical infrastructure system and a part of social infrastructure and housing, meeting the housing needs of people; Contributing to gradual improvement of the system of technical infrastructure works, social infrastructure works of the region; Improving the environment, beautifying the landscape architectural space for Yen Lap town, Hung Long commune in particular and Yen Lap district in general

Scale of the project investment: Construction of villas, adjacent houses; public works; technical infrastructure systems and green trees which are invested to build synchronously

Preliminary total project implementation cost: VND 2.670.864.000.000

Compensation, support and resettlement expense: VND 132.795.000.000

Summary of the basic requirements of the project: According to the detailed construction plan rated 1/500, approved by the People's Committee of Yen Lap district at Decision 1862/ QD-UBND dated September 22, 2020 and the project investment policy approval at Document No. 5874/QD- UBND dated December 30, 2021

Investment duration and schedule: a) Project implementation timeframe (Investment term to implement the project) - For commercial and service land: 50 years - For residential land: Long-term use b) Investment schedule - From Quarter IV/2020 to Quarter IV/2021: Prepare and submit to the Provincial People's Committee for approval of the project investment policy ; Selecting investors to implement the project; - From Quarter I/2022 to Quarter IV/2027: Carrying out the procedures in accordance with construction law, land law and other relevant laws; investing in construction and completion of technical infrastructure systems, social infrastructure works and architectural works under the project according to the detailed planning approved by competent authorities; organizing to accept, handover and put the works into use according to regulations

Project location: Located in Yen Lap town and Hung Long commune, Yen Lap district, Phu Tho province

Land area: 521.500,0 m2

Land use's purpose: Construction of villas, adjacent houses; public works; technical infrastructure systems and green trees are invested to build synchronously

Approved planning criteria: According to the detailed construction plan rated 1/500, approved by the People's Committee of Yen Lap district at Decision 1862/ QD-UBND dated September 22, 2020

Deadline for investors to submit their project implementation registration document: 30/10/2021 10:00

Address, phone number, fax number of the Department of Planning and Investment: Department of Planning and Investment of Phu Tho province, Tran Phu Street, Tan Dan Ward, Viet Tri City, Phu Tho Province. Phone number: 02103.846.581

Other information: 1 Current residential land 14.432,3 m2 2 Land for rice cultivation 401.430,1 m2 3 Land for cultivation of annual crops 34.379,9 m2 4 Land of pond and watersurface 34.096,6 m2 5 Traffic land 29.161,1 m2