Project name: Urban housing area and Cultural-sport complex in Cam Khe town, Cam Khe district

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Department of Planning and Investment of Phu Tho province issued on October 14, 2021 its notice of its notice of bid invitation for project of Urban housing area and Cultural-sport complex in Cam Khe town, Cam Khe district with details as follows:

Procuring agency: Department of Planning and Investment of Phu Tho province

Project name: Urban housing area and Cultural-sport complex in Cam Khe town, Cam Khe district “Notice ref No 20211040791 - 00. Date of publication: 14/10/2021 16:05"

Project's investment objectives: Forming a synchronous housing complex in terms of technical infrastructure works system, a part of social infrastructure works system. Land use planning and spatial organization of architectural works of the project with neighboring areas are taken to build a spacious and modern new housing area, ensuring landscape architecture and regional environment. It is considered as a legal basis for state management agencies to manage land use planning and construction planning towards sustainable development. Gradually completing the housing targets in Cam Khe district under the Housing Development Program of Phu Tho province to 2020 and orientations to 2030, approved by the People's Committee of Phu Tho province under Decision No. 03/2018./QD-UBND dated February 2, 2018

Scale of the project investment: Construction of adjacent houses, villas, public buildings (cultural houses, land for physical training and sports activities), Religious land and relics land with beautiful architectural forms; landscape trees, water surface and system of technical infrastructure works are invested to build synchronously

Preliminary total project implementation cost: VND 1.026.362.000.000

Compensation, support and resettlement expense: VND

Summary of the basic requirements of the project: According to the detailed construction plan rated 1/500, approved by the People's Committee of Phu Tho province at Decision 1719/ QD-UBND dated June 16, 2021

Investment duration and schedule: a) Project implementation timeframe (Investment term to implement the project) - For commercial and service land: 50 years - For residential land: Long-term use b) Investment schedule - From Quarter III/2021 to Quarter III/2022: Prepare and submit to the Provincial People's Committee for approval of the project investment policy ; Selecting investors to implement the project; - From Quarter IV/2022 to Quarter IV/2026: Carrying out the procedures in accordance with construction law, land law and other relevant laws; investing in construction and completion of technical infrastructure systems, social infrastructure works and architectural works under the project according to the detailed planning rate of 1/500 approved by competent authorities; organizing to accept, handover and put the works into use according to regulations

Project location: Located in Cam Khe town, Cam Khe district, Phu Tho province

Land area: 20,573 ha

Land use's purpose: Construction of adjacent houses, villas, public buildings (cultural houses, land for physical training and sports), religious land and relics land with beautiful architectural forms; landscape trees, water surface and system of technical infrastructure works are invested to build synchronously

Approved planning criteria: According to the detailed construction plan rated 1/500, approved by the People's Committee of Phu Tho province at Decision 1719/ QD-UBND dated June 16, 2021

Deadline for investors to submit their project implementation registration document:15/11/2021 10:00

Address, phone number, fax number of the Department of Planning and Investment: Department of Planning and Investment of Phu Tho province, Tran Phu Street, Tan Dan Ward, Viet Tri City, Phu Tho Province. Phone number: 02103.846.581

Other information: No Type of land Land code Area 1 Rice land LUC-LUK 73.972,5 (m2) 2 Flat land for planting other annual crops BHK 37.926,1 (m2) 3 Land for aquaculture NTS 10.288,5 (m2) 4 Land for cultivation of perennial trees CLN 34.891,3 (m2) 5 Urban residential land ODT 2.800,0 (m2) 6 Garden land adjacent to residential lan CLN 6.169,3 (m2) 7 Land for educational institutions DGD 1.327,5 (m2) 8 Traffic land DGT 13.865,3 (m2) 9 Irrigation land DTL 10.146,8 (m2) 10 Land used by religious institutions TON 2.722,3 (m2) 11 Land for gymnastics and sports facilities DTT 5.155,5 (m2) 12 Unused flat land BCS 6.506,8 (m2) TOTAL 205.731,6 (m2).