Thai Nguyen city construction project management unit: Cao Ngan residential area, Thai Nguyen city

Thai Nguyen city construction project management unit issued on March 16, 2019 its notice of bid invitation for Project name: Cao Ngan residential area, Thai Nguyen city with details as follows:

Name of the procuring entity: Thai Nguyen city construction project management unit

Brief description of the project:

- Project name: Cao Ngan residential area, Thai Nguyen city "Notice ref No.: 20190339618 - 00. Date of publication: 16/03/2019 10:08"

- Projected site: Using 49.94ha land fund (no clearance) under the Detailed planning project 1/500 of Cao Ngan urban area - Hang pagoda, Thai Nguyen city for winning bidders to clear ground and promote project; 49,94ha

- Estimated total investment capital: VND 1,299,800,000,000 

- Project objectives: Complete investment in infrastructure of urban and residential areas according to approved planning projects.

- State funding for project (if any): None

Selection method: international open bidding with prequalification

Time of issuing prequalification document: from 08:00 am, 21 March 2019 to 02:30 pm, 20 April 2019 (during office hours)

Place of issuing prequalification document: Thai Nguyen city construction project management unit, Doi Gia Street, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen Province

Price of prequalification document: VND 10,000,000

Bid closing time: 02:30 pm, 20 April 2019

Bid opening time: 02:45 pm, 20 April 2019.