Procuring agency: Vietsovpetro Joint Venture
Name of procurement package: Supply of Spare parts for M&ED lifting equipment for block 09-1 under Vietsovpetro’s Bidding Package No. VT-415/19-CD “Notice ref No.: 20190723441 - 00. Date of publication: 09/07/2019 08:40"
- Implementation period: 84 days
Project name: This tender under Vietsovpetro’s procurement plan 2019.
Source of fund: Item, Appendix 22.1, Minutes of Vietsovpetro assembly L “Plan of procurement of Vietsovpetro in year 2019”
Method of bidder selection: International open bidding, one-stage one envelope bidding
Time of issuing bidding documents: from 08:00 am, 15 July 2019 to 09:00 am, 05 August 2019 (during office hours)
Place of issuing bidding documents: Commercial Department of Vietsovpetro, Floor 13, the main building, 105 Le Loi St., Thang Nhi Ward, Vung Tau City. Tel. (0254) 3 839 871 - Ext.: 5345; Fax: (0254) 3 839 857; Email:
Price of bidding documents: VND 500,000
Bid security: VND 6,000,000 or USD 260 through banks or branches which legally operate in Viet Nam
Bid closing time: 09:00 am, 05 August 2019
Bid opening time: 09:30 am, 05 August 2019.