Name of project: Residential area of Phuong Lam ward, Hoa Binh city, Hoa Binh province

Gold Star Construction Joint Stock Company has been shortlisted for project of Residential area of Phuong Lam ward, Hoa Binh city, Hoa Binh province with details as follows:

Name of project

Provincial People’s Committe implementing the projects

Decision of approval of shortlist

Name of Investor

Investor’s address

Country where Investor registered his business

Residential area of Phuong Lam ward, Hoa Binh city, Hoa Binh province “Notice ref No 20200203500 - 01"

People's Committee of Hoa Binh province

Decision no. 1017/QĐ-UBND dated March 23th, 2018 issued by People's Committee of Thanh Hoa province

Gold Star Construction Joint Stock Company

Service Lot 1-2, North Tran Hung Dao Residential Area, Su Ngoi Commune, Hoa Binh City

Viet Nam